Rock crystal takes the form of colored, colorless or smoky crystals. A member of the quartz family, this fine stone comes both in magnificent blocks of natural quartz that can weigh several tons and in microscopic blocks. Fine-quality rock crystal is as translucent as glass. It may also have small inclusions of rutile, goethite, tourmaline, and even gold.
Rock crystal was widely used to decorate fine jewelry objects during the Art Deco period. Cut and perfectly transparent, it would sometimes replace diamond. This stone was chosen to manufacture the base of the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or trophy.
Rutile needle quartzes have a smoky appearance. Little known, they feature small rutile needles known as “Venus hairs.” These natural inclusions due to titanium dioxide earned this name as they give the stone the impression of golden locks.
The rock crystal and rutile needle quartz offered by Mazet Joaillerie are directly chosen in Brazil by the company. They are turned into necklaces and other highly original pieces.
These stones are also extracted from mines located in Madagascar. They present a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale.